Saturday, February 19, 2011

"True love doesn't embrace others in spite of their flaws, as if rising above them. Rather, it finds "the other lovable in spite of and together with their weaknesses, errors, and imperfections...Because of your beloved's weakness you shall not remove yourself from them or make your relationship more remote: on the contrary, the two of you shall hold together with greater solidarity in order to remove the weakness"...

Soren Kierkegaard Works of Love
....This of course does not mean one accepts and thus enables abuse and assumes our beloved is self aware and acknowledges their weaknesses.


kc bob said...

Very nice quote Bill. Glad you are blogging here. The quote reminds me of this blip from a recent pop song:

I want your ugly
I want your disease
I want your everything
As long as it’s free
I want your love
Love love love
I want your love

Bilbo said...

Thanks Bob, I posted this quote as an antidote to what I consider an unrealistic and overly romantic perspective of relationships. Don't get me wrong, I am all for romance and do believe a healthy relationship with someone is one of the greatest joys and experiences in life but also believe it can be the most difficult and painful of life's experiences as well. It's a paradox, in other words, and if we don't accept the paradoxical nature of our relationships we are vulnerable to become disillusioned. Just my take on things...