Thursday, July 31, 2008

"Encouraged people achieve the best; dominated people achieve second best; neglected people achieve the least."...Anonymous

When we don't show appreciation to our partners we are neglecting them thus placing them in a position where they are less likely to reciprocate the kind of encouragement and appreciation we need. Appreciation involves admiration and delight in others and acknowledgment in their uniqueness and potential. Appreciation can be demonstrated by a word of praise, a wink, a pat on the shoulder, a loving look, a thank you, a hug, etc. And if in doubt, ask your partner, what can I do today, tomorrow, and in the future to make you feel appreciated.

According to relationship researcher John Gottman the ratio of appreciation to complaint is five to one, in couples that stay together. I don't know why we don't show more appreciation towards each other and our partners/mates in particular. Maybe we were never shown much appreciation in our families, or maybe we don't experience a sense of appreciation in our jobs, but the cosmic law of the universe does suggest that if we show appreciation to others, we are more likely to receive appreciation in return...and...the bottom line is that we all want to feel appreciated. It's an important aspect of feeling and experiencing love.

Steven Brunkhorst sums it up well by saying, "Feeling appreciated is one of the most important needs that people have. When you share with someone your appreciation and gratitude, they will not forget you. Appreciation will return to you many times."

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