Saturday, March 28, 2009

In a soulful relationship, in contrast, the partners know that we are all individuals

As you get to know the other deeply, you will discover much about yourself

But soulful marriages are often odd on the surface

Marriage is by nature miraculous and magical. We do not understand it and cannot know where it is headed.

Responding to the grace of relationships, it is important to appreciate, to give thanks, to honor, to celebrate, to tend, and to observe.

Soulful relationships may not necessarily be the healthy ones, the successful ones, or the peaceful ones.

Marriage is a shock to the system of each partner: That is its promise and pain

The biggest mistake people make is to think that marriage is a rational arrangement rather than an insane attempt to give life form and stability.

You can’t love deeply unless you are a deep person in the first place

In some instances love may ask near impossible patience

Love is an affair of the soul…it may disappear at exactly the wrong moment. It may come and go, and return again, for no apparent reason.

Often it is the people who love us most—parents, lovers, spouses, children—who most discourage the authentic life.

The soul enjoys the playful side of life because play elevates the otherwise heavy literalness of day to day existence to the realm of the imagination

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